“Do you still think it’s possible to make living on Adsense?”

“It sure is!” says Jay Young, who put together a package of adsense background images, aptly named Adsense Backgrounds. They are claimed to be a “click thru booster,” and they quite possibly could be.

Yeah, they could be, but why is this such a big deal? I’ve seen this technique used before, and it is pretty sweet, but it’s not a miracle. I’ll go as far as to say I like the idea. But I don’t care for the idea of selling a huge package of these images like you see at adsensebackgrounds.com.

Why not?

Because once people have them, they will become extremely annoying. You will start seeing the same images on all sorts of sites. So for any publishers who have been doing this for a while, they will get screwed. All so this Jay Young guy can make some money.

The concept is great, but not this execution. People will soon become immune to these images just like they became immune to banner ads.

Remember, give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. (In other words, don’t give out the background images, just share the concept behind them.)

Now I’m not necessarily saying not to buy them, I’m just saying it’s not the greatest way to spend $67. You’re probably better off doing what I plan to do…

And that is, just wait for these to get real popular, then make my own ad backgrounds that are different than the ones out there (from this package) used by hundreds of sites.

P.S. Did anyone catch the poor grammar in that first line I quoted? :)