The Rich Jerk. Interesting name, huh? This multi-millionaire has decided to put his secrets into an ebook (big surprise there…) and sell it to the millions of people looking to make easy money online. A pretty common strategy, but this guy stands out a bit. Not because of the photos of his lavish lifestyle, but because he’s a jerk. He has better things to do than help you out, and he makes that clear in his sales letter!

But I happened across his site the other day and guess what - he’s offering to give you a free website if you signup for his mailing list! Supposedly the free website is built using his secret strategies - that’s awfully nice of him, isn’t it?

Rich Jerk Website Screenshot

So what’s the real deal? Do you actually get a custom site worth $300 with no catch?

Yeah right!

No self-respecting internet guru would give away something like that without a catch!

You can get a free site, yes, but it sure doesn’t look custom. Unless by custom they mean it is only 99% the same as the others, then I guess it could be considered custom. But here’s the real catch - you only get the site after signing up with their hosting partner. I didn’t bother looking at the hosting plan, but I doubt it’s anything special.

So by giving away the website which costs very little to make, he can make quite a bit of cash with commissions on the hosting! Not a bad idea! (Since the commissions are probably $100+ each.)

Not only did this experience give me some material to rant about, it taught me a good lesson in marketing! ;)