Last year, I wrote a piece about how Text Link Ads had basically disappeared in Google SERPs, and how TNX popped up to try to capture some of the link buying/selling activity.
That post has been getting quite a few comments along the lines of:
you’re an idiot, I can clearly see that Text Link Ads is first in the Google SERPs when searching for text link ads.
And if I had just posted that article yesterday, these scallywags would be correct. But I posted that back in 2007, well over six months ago. And a lot can happen in that amount of time.
So today I’d like to tell you a little story…
Many years ago, a new service emerged called Text Link Ads. It was setup to allow you to buy or sell links on websites, with a premise similar to most ad networks - you put your links out there and people click them. Pretty typical.
For years TLA was a popular service and managed to earn a PR6 from Google.
But then, on one fateful day, there was a big shakeup!
With Google’s ranking algorithm being based largely on backlinks and anchor text, people could “exploit” their PageRank system by buying backlinks (instead of gaining them “naturally.”) Google didn’t like that one bit, so they huffed and puffed and blew TLA deep into the dark depths of their SERPs (back to page 5 or 6, where no searchers bother to go.)
The next year was like an ice age for link sales. With the big woolly mammoth size TLA out of sight, a herd of new text link marketplaces (like TNX) popped up and ran free over the arid landscape.
But alas, they all succumbed to the great ruler that is Google. The new services were dead before they began.
Text Link Ads, on the other hand, were hard at work, despite their lackluster SERPs. They kept bringing in more advertisers and publishers, and they also expanded their services to various types of link sales, including feedvertising. (Feedvertising is the act of placing ads in an RSS feed.)
Feedvertising would not manipulate PageRank, so apparently TLA was trying to run an advertising business, not a company bent solely on exploiting Google.
So Google did something surprisingly heart-warming - they lifted the ranking penalty!
Yes, is now back in Google for phrases such as “text link ads” and “text links.”
And everyone lived happily ever after!
(Except for the companies like TNX, who crashed and burned. Oh well. It’s hard enough to get on Google’s good side when you have a legitimate website.)
The Story, Part 2
As I was writing this story, Google did something that did not surprise me at all… they must have penalized TLA once again, because now they’re not in the rankings. Google is toying with them!
They just jerk us around with their infrequent toolbar PR updates, hidden link selling penalties, and constantly changing rankings!
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