AdsenseCamp merupakan website yang memberikan kesempatan bagi Andauntuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan menyediakan ruang padawebsite Anda sebagai tempat pemasangan iklan bagi advertiser.AdsenseCamp juga memberikan kesempatan kepada para Advertiser yangberkeinginan mempromosikan iklannya yang bakal disebarkan kepada webowners yang telah terdaftar di AdsenseCamp.
Untuk mengikuti program pada AdsenseCamp, sebagai web owner Andatinggal melakukan pendaftaran dimana nantinya setelah terdaftar Andabisa melakukan copy paste code yang kami berikan. Kemudian pasang codetersebut pada website Anda.Bagi Advertiser, setelah melakukan pendaftaran Anda bisa melakukanpengisian iklan yang nantinya akan disebar kepada pemilik web yangterdaftar di AdsenseCamp.
Untuk menjadi publisher yang harus Anda lakukan adalah :
- Silakan lakukan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu dengan mengisikan data diri Anda.
- Lakukan konfirmasi pendaftaran pada email yang kami kirimkan.
- Login ke dengan menggunakan username dan password Anda.
- Tambahkan website Anda, tekan submit dan tunggu konfirmasi.
- Ambil code script iklan AdsenseCamp untuk website Anda, pasang pada web Anda.
- Silakan buka website Anda, apabila konfigurasi telah dilakukan denganbenar, maka iklan kami akan langsung terlihat pada
website Anda. Contoh tampilan iklannya bisa kamu lihat di web ku ini.
Posted by Handi Line | 10:49 PM | Tips n Trik | 0 comments »Saat anda browsing atau membuka suatu website di internet entah dari warung internet ataupun dari rumah, mungkin anda sering mengeluh akan lambatnya akses untuk menampilkan website tersebut. Padahal akses internet di Indonesia sekarang ini masih terhitung mahal. Sebenarnya ada cara-cara mudah untuk meningkatkan kecepatan akses internat anda tanpa harus membayar biaya lebih mahal. Beberapa diantaranya adalah dengan menyetting browser kita, menggunakan openDNS, dan menggunakan Google Web Accelerator.
Untuk menerapkan trik-trik tersebut sangat mudah. Cara pertama yaitu menyetting browser dapat dilakukan oleh pengguna Internet Explorer dan Mozilla Firefox. Bagi pengguna Internet Explorer klik menu [Tools] [Internet Option], klik tab [General]. Pada opsi “Temperory Internet files”, klik [Settings] lalu Geser slider-nya. Hal itu untuk membuat cache (lokasi penyimpanan sementara) untuk web yang anda buka, sebaliknya disediakan sekitar 5% dari Hard disk.
Bagi pengguna Mozilla Firefox anda dapat mengetikkan “about:config” pada address bar,. setelah itu ubah “network.http.pipelining” dan “network.http.proxy pipelining” menjadi “true”, serta isi “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” antara 30 –100 ( semakin besar semakin cepat ). Yang terakhir klik kanan dimana saja dan pilih New->Integer , tuliskan “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” lalu isi dengan 0.
Untuk trik kedua, pertama anda harus mendaftar di . Setelah itu masuk ke Control Panel dari start menu, pilih network connections lalu pilih koneksi anda dan klik tombol properties. Pada bagian Internet protokol anda bisa pilih TCP/IP dan klik properties. Masukkan angka dan pada opsi DNS dan restart komputer anda.
Setelah melakukan 2 tips di atas sekarang anda pasti akan mendapat kecepatan akses yang lebih kencang. Bagi yang masih belum puas dengan kecepatan aksesnya sekarang dapat menggunakan trik yang ke tiga yaitu Google Web Accelerator. Google Web Accelerator di desain khusus untuk mempercepat akses internet anda, khususnya anda yang menggunakan koneksi broadband (pita lebar) seperti Cable dan DSL. Untuk anda yang menggunakan koneksi lain seperti Dial-up (Telkomnet Instant atau Speedy) maupun satelit atau wave, Google Web Accelerator juga dapat mempercepat aksesnya.
Untuk memakai Google Web Accelerator anda harus memenuhi kriteria antara lain Operating System anda harus Windows XP atau Windows 2000 dan browser anda harus Internet Explorer 5.5+ atau Mozilla Firefox 1.0+. Kalau untuk browser lainnya sebenarnya juga bisa, tetapi anda harus meng-konfigurasi proxy settings dari browser anda dengan menambah pada HTTP. Setelah anda melakukan instalasi, Google Web Accelerator akan menampilkan icon kecil di atas browser anda dan icon tray di pojok bawah layar komputer. Anda dapat mengunduh Google Web Accelerator di .
Tips Pasang Adsense for Search - Opsi
Posted by Handi Line | 10:16 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 1 comments »
Tips ini bisa anda gunakan di semua website yang anda miliki, saya akan jelaskan keuntungannya nanti.
Pertama kali anda harus masuk ke akun Adsense anda, masuk ke Adsense Setup dan pilih Adsense for Search seperti gambar disamping saya ini.
Jika sudah selanjutnya anda memiliki 2 opsi, yaitu pencarian akan dilakukan hanya di situs yang anda pilih atau pencarian seluruh website. Disinilah letak keuntungan kita menggunakan AFS. Yaitu kita bisa saja melakukan pencarian di website-website yang kita miliki saja. Terkadang kita memiliki pesaing web yang memiliki topik yang sama, kita tidak ingin agar web kompetitor kita ikut tampil di searching yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung. Karena itu kita bisa pilih opsi “Only sites I select”, lalu kemudian masukkan situs website anda yang memiliki topik yang sama. Maka anda bisa menggiring pengunjung anda hanya untuk berkunjung di website-website anda saja sehingga tidak lari ke web kompetitor lainnya. Misalnya pengunjung tidak menemukan yang dicari di web anda yang A, lalu kemudian melakukan searching via AFS anda maka dia tidak akan jauh dari website-website kita juga
Oke, anda saya rasa sudah paham maksud saya dengan menggunakan opsi tersebut. Tapi jika anda takut koleksi website anda ketahuan lebih baik lupakan opsi tadi, pilih saja opsi “The entire web”.Tapi saran saya untuk website dengan topik tertentu anda bisa gunakan opsi “Only sites I select”, karena bisa membantu pengguna untuk mencari di web yang berkaitan topiknya. Akan tetapi kalau topiknya general anda bisa pilih opsi “The entire web”. Seperti AFS yang saya letakkan di blog saya ini menggunakan opsi “The entire web”.
Selanjutnya setting keyword
Mencari uang dengan google adsense
Posted by Handi Line | 10:15 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 0 comments »Mau punya uang tambahan? Bisa bikin situs/blog? Kenapa ngga coba google adsense ? Dapet uangnya lebih mudah lho jika dibandingkan dengan jual produk/jasa online, tapi diperlukan kerja keras, waktu dan juga modal jika ingin berhasil di google adsense. Nah situs yang kita buat hendaknya punya isi yang bermanfaat dan unik, jika hal tersebut dipenuhi maka penghasilan dari google adsense pun bisa diraih.
Berikut ini langkah-langkah untuk mendapat penghasilan dari google adsense :
Langkah 1
Putuskan isi web/blogmu. Kamu dapat memilih satu subyek berhubungan untuk daya tarikmu, hobi atau pengalaman. Kamu juga dapat menyediakan keterangan dibidang pendidikan dan menyediakan nasihat melalui situs webmu kalau kamu adalah satu pakar pada satu subyek tertentu.
Langkah 2
Buat web/blog, Ngga bisa buat web? Jangan khawatir di jaman serba instan sekarang ini, sudah banyak program2 mudah yang bisa digunakan untuk buat web/blog seperti wordpress dan joomla. Jika kamu punya uang lebih tidak ada salahnya menggunakan jasa pembuat situs/web builder.
Nah, jika masalah web sudah selesai, selanjutnya mencari hosting dan nama domain utk web/blog mu agar nantinya web/blog bisa tayang di internet. Atau jika masih kere alias “modal dengkul” (seperti saya hehehe...) bisa gunakan blogspot yang gratisan. Selanjutnya isi situs/blogmu dengan artikel yang unik dan bermanfaat, gunakan bahasa Inggris ya, karena kalau ngga susah nantinya utk bergabung di google adsense.
Langkah 3
Setelah web/blog sdh online segera join di program adsense. Perlu beberapa hari (bahkan 1 hari sdh bisa di approve) bagi team google untuk menelaah situsmu, kemudian nanti akan dikirim kabar lewat email bahwa situsmu diterima dalam program google adsense, Tapi jika situs mu di tolak, ngga usah mencak-mencak, biasanya dalam email akan diberitahukan alasan penolakannya. Coba lagi dgn melakukan beberapa perubahan dan perbaikan sesuai yang di inginkan google.
Langkah 4
Mendatangkan pengunjung ke situs/blog mu. Pada prinsipnya semakin banyak pengunjung maka peluang mendapat penghasilan dari google adsense juga semakin besar. Berikut beberapa cara yang dapat membantu kamu mendapatkan pengunjung :
1 ) Gunakan Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising.
Gunakan jasa google adwords atau yahoo. Karena kedua-duanya mempunyai mesin pencari (search engine) yang sangat populer. Tapi sayangnya dibutuhkan modal untuk menggunakan jasa ini.
2 ) Memperkenalkan situsmu kepada keluarga dan kawanmu.
3 ) Menulis beberapa artikel.
Masukkan link situsmu dalam artikel yang kamu buat, lalu submit ke direktori artikel. Banyak sekali direktori artikel di internet, bisa kamu cari lewat google lalu ketik direktori artikel.
Google Adsense barangkali cara termudah untuk menarik para pemasang iklan dari seluruh dunia ke situs kita. Cukup dgn mendaftarkan situs web kita kepada Google untuk mendapatkan persetujuan. Jika Google menyukai isi situs, maka kita akan mendapatkan iklan dari google, dimana iklan yg ditampilkan akan sesuai dengan konten situs. Iklan yang diberikan biasanya memberikan link ke situs pemasang iklan, setiap pengunjung yang mengklik iklan tersebut disitus kita, maka pemasang iklan akan membayar kepada google, dan google akan membayar kepada kita dengan persentase yg ditentukan.
Sekarang Bagaimana Caranya Mencari Uang dengan Google Adsense? Berikut beberapa saran untuk menghasilkan uang dari Google Adsense program.
a. Ikuti ketentuan yang disebutkan di kebijakan Adsense (Adsense policy), sehingga kita tidak dibanned oleh google adsense.
b. Jangan memodifikasi kode HTML Google Adsense.
c. Jangan meminta kawan atau pengunjung untuk mengklik Google Adsmu. Jangan memberi insentif apapun kepada pengunjung untuk mengklik iklan google. Jangan mengganti label Google Ads dengan teks selain dari "sponsored links" atau "advertisements."
d. Jangan mengklik iklan google mu sendiri, karena Google tidak bisa dibodohi. Jangan terlalu sering melihat tampilan webmu. Kalau kamu sedang menguji layout situs webmu dengan Google Adsense, lakukan dengan hati-hati. Atau kamu dapat mempergunakan Google Adsense Sandbox yang dapat diakses dari Firefox, IE dan browser lainnya untuk melihat iklan macam apa yang ditampilkan Google, Apakah sesuai dengan konten atau keywords.
e. Jangan menempatkan iklan di pop-up windows, error pages atau bahkan halaman kosong.
f. Jangan menggunakan taktik "klik karena kebetulan". Pernah ngga ketemu web yang isinya tidak sesuai dengan judul postnya atau yang isinya "tidak bisa dibaca manusia", tapi menampilkan iklan google, Sehingga pengunjung mengklik iklan google, bukan karena berdasarkan topik/konten yang asli. Jangan memboroskan uangmu dengan berburu list high-paying keyword.
g. Untuk artikel pendek, letak iklan yang terbaik berada di atas konten.
h. Untuk artikel panjang, klik akan meningkatkan kalau iklan ditempatkan di tengah artikel.
i. Pergunakan Iklan yang berbentuk Teks Ads dari pada iklan yang bergambar (image ads). Kalau kamu masih mau menayangkan iklan image, pertimbangkan format iklan berikut ini :
- pilih 300x250 medium rectangle atau 160x600 wide skyscraper.
- atau keduanya, kalau kamu menayangkan beberapa unit iklan pada satu halaman.
j. Buat warna border (border color) dan warna latar belakang (background color) sama seperti warna latar belakang (background) web mu.
k. Coba setel Url/link iklan dengan warna yang lebih terang. Kalau teksnya adalah hitam, kita bisa membuat adlink dengan warna abu-abu terang.
l. Buat melebar, segiempat panjang besar (large rectangle) 336x280 adalah format terbaik - Menurut Google Adsense team format terbaik adalah format yang melebar-Gunakan format 336 x 250 large rectangle, 300 x 250 medium rectangle atau 160x600 wide skyscraper.
m. Gunakan link unit pada google, lalu Samarkan iklan google tsb dengan link navigasi web kita atau letakan adlinks tsb secara horizontal diatas halaman web. Untuk link unit, kita diijinkan untuk klik pada link iklan yang muncul dihalaman web kita, asalkan jangan klik iklan Google Ads yang muncul pada halaman berikutnya/dihasilkan.
Bersambung Yaa...
n. Minta pendapat teman mengenai website kita, posisi mana yang kira2 menarik perhatian, lalu letakan iklan pada posisi tersebut.
o. Kamu dapat meletakkan 3 unit adsense pada satu halaman. Coba letakan satu large skyscraper pada sisi kanan atau di side bar sebelah kanan atau pada area yang dekat dengan scroll bar. Kamu juga dapat menambahkan 2 search box, 1 unit adlink dan 1 referall unit.
p. Kalimat diawal konten adalah satu faktor penting untuk menentukan iklan apa yang akan ditayangkan di web kita. Untuk itu jangan lupa utk memasukan keyword pada awal-awal kalimat.
q. Setting Google search kita pada open new browser window sehingga kita tidak kehilangan pengunjung saat mereka menggunakan google search.
r. Letakkan google search di bagian atas sudut kanan.
u. Jangan gunakan syndicate utk konten, jika mereka bisa baca semuanya dari newsreader,lalu buat apa mereka berkunjung keweb kita .
s. Gunakan URL Channel pada google adsense, sehingga kita mengetahui kinerja masing-masing format iklan yang kita pakai. Gunakan 1 channel utk 1 web, padukan dengan google analytics dan statcounter sehingga kita dapat memantau perkembangan web kita.
t. Jika CTR kita rendah, coba ubah judul atau tambahkan konten yang isinya pada topik tertentu sehingga iklan yang muncul pun lebih terfokus.
u. Block pemasang iklan yang rendah pembayaran dengan filter. Capee deh kalo udah bikin konten susah payah tapi klik iklannya cuma 0.01 sen. Gunakan overture atau Google Adwords Keywords untuk menemukan keywords yang harga per-kliknya lumayan.
Selamat mencoba ..
Cara mendapat lebih banyak uang dari adsense
Posted by Handi Line | 10:12 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 0 comments »Terkadang ada orang yang sudah berusaha mati-matian di adsense, hasil (earning) yang didapat ternyata ngga sesuai harapan alias tekor (sedih deehh).
Ada beberapa cara yang mudah2an dapat membantu kamu agar tidak termasuk golongan yg tekor, tapi jika cara ini masih juga bikin kamu tekor, kayaknya musti ganti topik webnya dehh.
Berikut caranya :
1. Tentukan pengunjung seperti apa yang akan datang ke situs kita.
Jika ingin menarik pengunjung yang ingin membeli sesuatu, maka buatlah situs e-commerce/situs toko online.
Jika ingin menarik pengunjung yang baru belajar adsense, buat situs yang berisi tentang dasar2 belajar adsense.
Jika ingin menarik pengunjung yang mencari informasi yang lebih rinci mengenai suatu produk, buatlah situs yang berisi pandangan (review) tentang produk spt : Music review, movie review, informasi tempat wisata dan lain-lain.
Jika ingin menarik banyak pengunjung setiap harinya, bisa buat situs yang memberikan free download (unduh gratis) spt : game,wallpaper,software,ebook dan lain2.
Buat situs iklan jika ingin menarik pengunjung ingin membaca iklan.
2. Pastikan bahwa pengunjungmu tidak merasa bahwa kita ingin mengambil keuntungan dari mereka.
Berikan mereka banyak konten yang relevan,tertulis baik dan bermanfaat. Kalau menulis bukan keterampilan terbaikmu bisa saja menyewa seseorang spt : ghostwriter.
3. Ikuti aturan.
Google punya term of service, pelajari dan patuhi, kalau tidak google akan mem-PHK kita.
4. Pergunakan tool yang Google berikan
Gunakan tool yang ada pada google untuk menentukan keyword, menganalisa keberhasilan iklan kita dgn men-setting chanell, dan lain-lain.
5. Coba dan coba lagi.
Jangan pernah puas dengan kinerja AdSensemu. Kalau hasilnya sudah baik, buat hasilnya menjadi hebat, kalau sudah hebat buat menjadi luar biasa. Sehingga penghasilan kita terus meningkat dan ribuan dollar perbulan dari google akan menambah kocek kita.
6. Lebih banyak pengunjung.
Berapa pun jumlah pengunjung situs kita saat ini, jangan pernah merasa puas ! kita butuh lebih banyak pengunjung. Semakin banyak orang yang melihat situs kita maka semakin besar peluang penghasilan kita dari adsense. Walaupun yang klik mu hanya 2% saja, Coba bayangkan penghasilan mu perhari jika yang mengunjungi situs mencapai ribuan orang.
7. Adakan percobaan dengan keywords baru
Keywords yang baru akan membawa iklan yang baru dan tentunya pengunjung yang baru. Buat beberapa halaman baru pada situs kita dengan konten berbeda. Jika kamu berhasil lakukan lagi poin 5.
Jika ingin mendapatkan pengunjung dan hasil secara cepat gunakan AdWordsnya Google. Tapi dibutuhkan modal untuk menggunakan adwords dan pilihan ini bisa merugikan kita jika isi situs kita tidak menarik, walaupun tidak popular di kalangan publisher, tapi tidak ada salahnya jika mencoba.
Apaan sih google adsense itu?
Posted by Handi Line | 10:11 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 0 comments »Google AdSense adalah satu cara cepat dan mudah bagi pemilik web/blog untuk menampilkan iklan dari google, kelebihan dari google adsense adalah selain iklan yang ditampilkan sesuai dengan isi situs/blog, kita pun berpeluang untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog/situs. Uang??? Ya Uang (dalam dollar lagi..) Nah ini kesempatan bagi kita2 para netter yang hoby buat blog/situs untuk mendulang dollar dari Google.
Ada beberapa produk google adsense, tapi yang saya bahas produk yang umumnya banyak dipilih oleh para blogger/pemilik situs, antara lain :
- Adsense untuk konten.
Iklan yang ditampilkan bisa berupa teks, image atau video, menariknya adalah iklan adsense utk konten ini sesuai dengan konten yang ada dalam situs kita. Sayangnya untuk konten situs/blog berbahasa Indonesia belum bisa diterima oleh google adsense.
- Adsense untuk pencarian.
Kita dapat menambahkan fitur pencarian dalam blog/situs kita, sehingga para pengunjung dapat menggunakan layanan search engine pada situs /blog kita.
Uniknya lagi kita dapat mengikuti program google adsense tanpa harus mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun alias tanpa modal alias gratiss booo…
Sekarang darimana uangnya ?
Kita akan mendapat uang dari google berdasarkan jumlah klik pada iklan yang ditayangkan disitus/blog kita. Jadi setiap klik pada iklan google adalah uang man…tapi ingat!! bukan sembarang klik lho, jangan coba2 kita mengklik iklan kita sendiri that’s illegal man! Atawa click fraud akan mendepak kita dengan senang hati jika kita melakukan itu.
Berapa sih besar uang perklik?
Tergantung, kadang bisa $1 kadang bisa $ 0,01, bahasa gampangnya google punya kuasa utk menentukan jatah perklik yang akan diberikan pada kita (karena tergantung dari bid dari pemasang iklan).
Berapa sih kemungkinan penghasilan perbulan??
Wah..bisa lebih dari $1000, bisa juga cuma $1 bahkan jebot alias $ 0 pun bisa. Diperlukan kerja keras, kesabaran dan mental pantang menyerah utk mendapat hasil dari google adsense.
Gimana cara memulainya?
Nanti saya bahas pada posting berikutnya hehehe….
Memulai bisnis adsense anda
Posted by Handi Line | 10:11 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 0 comments »1. Tentukan topik yang ingin anda buat.
Bahan topik bisa dari mana saja seperti dari pengalaman, ilmu atau keahlian yang kamu punya, sampai dengan hobby. Ada satu hal yang penting, kamu harus bisa menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, karena saat ini google adsense belum menerima aplikasi dari bahasa Indonesia.
2. Buat web site/blog.
Yang satu ini wajib dimiliki jika kita ingin mendapatkan penghasilan dari adsense. Saat ini banyak jalan untuk membangun sebuah web atau blog, dari yang berbayar hingga gratis-an, jika punya uang tidak ada salahnya menggunakan layanan yang professional untuk membangun sebuah web/blog.
3. Pelajari program policy dari google adsense.
Sebelum melakukan aplikasi sebaiknya pelajari peraturan dari google adsense, sehingga kita bisa menghindari hal – hal yang dianggap melanggar peraturan. Bisa lihat di google policy atau untuk terjemahannya bisa dilihat di adsense-id.
4. Lakukan aplikasi.
Lakukan sign up di google adsense, lalu isi aplikasinya.
5. Menunggu jawaban.
Tunggulah jawaban apakah aplikasi kita diterima atau ditolak, biasanya sih akan diberitahu via email dalam 1-3 hari.
Mulailah menghasilkan duit secara online dengan adsense
Posted by Handi Line | 10:10 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 0 comments »Program Google Adsense adalah boleh dibilang program yang sempurna bagi pemula yang mempunyai ide untuk menghasilkan uang secara online. Ada berbagai jenis iklan dengan berbagai jenis kategori untuk setiap ceruk (niche) pasar dan google adsense adalah salah satu program periklan online yang banyak digunakan dan hebatnya lagi mengijinkan semua orang diberbagai penjuru dunia untuk mendapatkan komisi dari iklan yang ditayangkan.
Dengan begitu banyak kategori dan topik iklan itulah yang membuat program ini cocok utk siapapunpun. Dengan iklan-iklannya berdasarkan konteks (contextual ads) sangat memungkinkan bagi kamu untuk mencari uang online, saat pertama kali kita memulai menjalankan program adsense, peluang menghasilkan uang bisa saja terjadi, Bahkan tanpa keahlian membuat website atau mengerti dengan bahasa pemograman pun kita dapat menghasilkan uang dari program adsense, karena saat ini begitu banyak blog-blog yang dapat dibuat secara gratis.
Bagaimana Google Adsense Bekerja?
Orang-orang dapat menghasilkan uang di Google Ads dengan memanfaatkan orang lain yang mempergunakan program Google Adwords sebagai sarana iklan online. Ketika orang-orang itu membayar iklan mereka untuk ditayangkan pada situs web, maka kita akan mendapatkan profit sharing dari google berdasarkan hasil klik iklan yang ditayangkan di situs/web kita.
Kekurangannya : Kita tidak tahu samasekali berapa banyak kita akan dibayar per-kliknya, karena hal seperti ini adalah rahasia Google. Meskipun demikain kita dapat memperkirakan keyword-keyword apa yang mempunyai nilai perkliknya cukup tinggi.
Keuntungan : Potensi penghasilan kita dari program google adsense tidak dibatasi alias tidak terbatas.
Kekurangan: Jika kamu melakukan click fraud (klik secara curang),maka google tidak akan ragu akan medepak kita dari program adsense, maka dari itu jangan coba2 melakukannya.
Keuntungan : Kita dibolehkan untuk membuat beberapa website/blog dengan 1 account sehingga bisa menciptakan multiple stream of income.
Kalau kamu tertarik utk belajar bagaimana caranya mempergunakan program ini, kamu dapat memulainya dengan membuat satu blog atau satu situs web yang berisi konten dgn topik tertentu. Iklan yang muncul akan disesuaikan dengan isi konten dan dengan adanya pengunjung maka peluang menghasilkan komisi bisa terjadi. Google akan mengeluarkan cek setiap kali penghasilan mu mencapai $100 dan bahkan beberapa publisher bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak setiap bulannya.
Beberapa orang-orang berusaha untuk mendapatkan pengunjung melalui Adwords, dengan cara menyisihkan sebagian penghasilan adsense mereka dan menggunakan Adwords sebagai sarana kampanye iklan situs/blog mereka.
Ada banyak strategi yang bisa kita gunakan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan adsense kita, mudah-mudahan bisa dibahas pada posting berikutnya.
Cara mudah dan murah memperoleh account di google adsense
Posted by Handi Line | 10:09 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 0 comments »Setelah sebelumnya saya bahas mengenai cara mendapat account di google adsense versi “susah”, sekarang saya akan membahas bagaimana mendapat account google adsense dengan cara mudah dan murah.
Siap? berikut caranya :
1. Tentukan topik yang digunakan sebagai konten kita, cari topik yang ada peminatnya. Karena sebagus apapun isi/konten dari blog kita, tapi jika tidak ada peminatnya, maka jangan harap bisa mendulang dollar lewat adsense.
Ingat!! Konten tersebut harus dalam bahasa Inggris, karena kalau tidak akan sulit untuk mendapatkan account google adsense.
Nah, sekarang bagaimana dengan anda orang Indonesia yang ngga bisa bahasa
Jangan khawatir ada satu cara untuk menyiasatinya yaitu dengan menggunakan free article directory seperti,,,, (bisa kamu cari lewat search engine, ketik free
article directory). Setelah menemukan artikel yang sesuai dengan topik blog yang
akan kamu buat, copas (copy paste) sebanyak 5 artikel kedalam word/notepad, Ingat : jangan hilangkan author dan link yang ada, walaupun cuma “nyontek”
setidaknya kita punya sedikit etika.
2. Buat blog dengan menggunakan , kenapa blogspot? karena blogspot milik google dan search engine google cinta sama blogspot. Bolehlah di bilang blogspot sudah search engine friendly. Selain itu GRATISS cing..Oya gunakan email dari gmail utk mempermudah.
3. Masukan hasil copas artikel kedalam posting di
4. Daftarkan blogmu ke ,klik sign in, masukkan data yang diminta.
5. Tunggulah beberapa hari, biasanya jawaban aplikasi/pendaftaran kita akan dikirim lewat email.
Ada yang hilang dari situs situs adsense
Posted by Handi Line | 10:05 PM | Indonesian Adsense Artikel | 0 comments »Kebanyakan dari para internet marketer, membangun website hanyalah untuk mencari uang. Memang sih kita semua perlu makan, sehingga kita perlu situs yang bisa menghasilkan uang kalau tidak maka kita akan selamanya terjebak dalam dunia kerja.
Tetapi sayangnya banyak internet marketer yang terlalu fokus hanya pada uang; spt berapa banyak uang, seberapa cepat menghasilkan uang,gimana cara bisa mendapat lebih banyak uang, sehingga banyak internet marketer yang berkecimpung dalam adsense, membuat situs2 yang dapat menghasilkan uang secara instan, mereka tidak peduli apakah isi/konten yang ada bermanfaat atau tidak, bahkan terkadang konten/isi yang ada hanyalah “sampah”. Yah walaupun “sampah” harus diakui situs tersebut bisa menghasilkan ratusan dollar perbulan, tapi ada ngga kebanggaan untuk menunjukkan isi situs yang asal-asalan alias “sampah” itu kepada teman atau family kita. Ngga lah yauu..
Begitu banyak para pebisnis adsense yang mengambil jalan diatas. Mereka tidak pernah membuat situs yang benar-benar sesuai dengan minat,hasrat dan keinginannya yang benar-benar memberikan kepuasan sesungguhnya. Salah satu pelanggan saya baru saja memberikan link ke situs barunya yang berisi tentang pesawat remote control. Walaupun tidak populer tetapi situs tersebut mencerminkan minat, hasrat dan keinginan dari pemiliknya, bahkan saya merasakan orang tersebut tidak bisa makan dan tidur,jika tidak bersama pesawat remote control nya.
Setiap pebisnis adsense rasanya perlu membuat situs seperti itu, situs yang bisa mereka tunjukkan dengan penuh kebanggaan.
Cobalah untuk membuat situs proyek jangka panjang tentang sesuatu yang kita minati. Lupakan dulu berapa hasil yang akan diperoleh jika kita memasang adsense pada situs tersebut. Pilih subjek yang kira2 bisa kita kembangkan. Buat sesuatu yang bisa membuat diri kita bangga karenanya.
Berikut hal terbaik yang akan terjadi :
Situs yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan minat kita akan menjadi situs penguasa di bidangnya, bahkan bisa menjadi no.1 di search engine dengan kata kunci atau pasar tertentu. Selain itu situs tersebut bisa membangun komunitas dan jaringan karena para pengunjung dengan minat yang sama bisa merasakan “semangat” dan hasrat yang kamu buat disitus tersebut.
Hal-hal inilah yang tidak akan kamu dapatkan pada situs adsense yang asal-asalan.
(disadur dari tulisan Steve weber : what adsense site are missing)
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Getting started with AdSense is easy, but when reviewing the applications we get, we've noticed a few common pitfalls. To help make sure your application is approved the first time around, ask yourself the following questions below before submitting.
Do I have what I need to apply?
- Website: To display Google ads, you need administrative access to the site you submit for AdSense in order to place our JavaScript ad code on your site. Adding the Google code to your site's source code will enable you to show ads, search boxes, and referral units on your pages.
If you don't have a website of your own, that doesn't mean you can't participate in AdSense. We offer a couple of options to help you easily create your own site.
First, there's Blogger, a free tool for setting up and publishing your own blog online. With its easy-to-use and customizable templates, you can create an account and start blogging right away. You can also set up AdSense ads easily through your Blogger account.
If you prefer more flexibility and control, then our web page tool, Page Creator, may be more suitable. Signing up for a Page Creator account is free as well -- all you need is a Gmail account. The best part is that you don't have to download any software or hire a designer. Once you've created your Page Creator site, you can begin displaying Google ads in minutes. - Valid payee name: Payments will be made out to the name on your account, so make sure to include your full and valid name, or that of your business, rather than just initials. If banks won't accept the name you enter in the 'Payee Name' field, neither will we.
- Valid address: We want to make sure your hard-earned money reaches you, so please also provide a complete valid address where you can receive mail. If you live in a country or territory that doesn't have a standard format for addresses, please be sure that your application includes as much information as a mailman would need to find your residence.
- Valid URL: If you manage an entire website, give us the URL of your home page. If you manage a blog or other account within a larger website, you should provide the URL of the specific page that you manage and not the URL of the entire hosting website. Don't forget to double check your URL for typos!
- Fully launched website: Since we won't be able to review websites that are not fully launched or built, please ensure that your site is live and functioning at the time you submit your application.
- Unique content: We want visitors to sites in the AdSense network to have a good experience, so please publish content that's interesting and unique. Avoid using "doorway" pages created just for search engines, or other cookie cutter approaches such as affiliate programs with little or no original content. If you're participating in an affiliate program, give people a reason to visit your site first.
- Supported language: We're constantly working to provide targeted, relevant ads in more languages. However, until then, we can only approve your application if the majority of your website is in one of our supported languages.
- Pay-To Sites: If your site participates in programs that compensate people to perform activities that drive traffic to you, we can't approve your application. Some examples of these "pay-to" programs are sites that encourage users "to click" or "to surf" or "to read email." In addition, you shouldn't encourage others to join these programs in the content, links, or third-party ads on your site.
New Manage Ads improvements, compliments of you
Posted by Handi Line | 9:55 AM | Adsense | 0 comments »We've been listening to your comments on our new ad management feature, and so we're excited to tell you about a few updates that stem directly from your requests:
- You can now view the ID number associated with a specific custom channel by visiting the 'Channels' link under the 'AdSense Setup' tab. Many of you told us that you needed these channel ID numbers for ad management programs you're using. We've added this information to your account since it no longer appears in your ad code.
- Any ad units generated within the last 7 days that haven't yet received any impressions will now be listed as 'New', rather than 'Active', in your status column. This should help avoid confusion about your newest ad units and those already appearing on your pages.
- You can now view the most recent date when each of your ad units was updated. Please note that these dates aren't retroactive, so any ad units you generated or edited before this display change will show a last-edited date of November 1st, 2007.
- We're starting to slowly roll out the manage ads feature for your referral units. Just as with AdSense for content units, you'll soon be prompted to enter names for your newly generated referral units. If you'd like to make changes to your referral units at a later time, you can visit the 'Manage Ads' page. In the 'Content' column of this page, your referral units will display 'Referrals:' followed by the products or category of products being referred.
It doesn't end here, though -- we've got a few more enhancements planned for the Manage Ads feature in the next few weeks, so keep checking back for more updates. In the meantime, please continue sending your suggestions our way.
After months of testing, we've just updated our text ad format to include 'next' and 'previous' arrow buttons for cost-per-click (CPC) ads. When a user clicks on the 'next' button, an entirely new group of ads will appear in the ad unit, giving your users greater control over the ads they see and click.
While the ads the user initially sees may be relevant to a publisher's content, they may not be precisely what the user is seeking -- for example, a user may see ads about cheddar and brie cheese but would prefer more information about Swiss cheese. With the 'next' and 'previous' buttons, users can view more cheese ads until a Swiss cheese ad appears.
You won't generate earnings for clicks on the 'next' and 'previous' buttons, but these buttons will help improve both advertiser value and your potential revenue. When users click on the buttons, they begin interacting with the ads and are more likely to find the specific offering they're looking for, which can lead to higher earnings for you.
Whether you're a new to this blog or have been with us since way back in August of aught five, we'd like to provide a few simple tips for effectively using the features provided on our site.
First of all, we've made it easy to subscribe to the blog so that you'll never miss a post. There are a few ways to do so:
- E-mail
Have a Google Account? Then visit our subscription page, or just enter your email address into the yellow box on the right sidebar of this page. You'll be subscribed via Google Groups, and we'll send you a confirmation email. Once you confirm your subscription, you'll begin to see new blog posts in your email inbox. - RSS Reader
After clicking on the 'Site Feed' link in the upper right-hand corner of this page, you'll be taken to a Feedburner URL, which you can access from any RSS Reader or Live Bookmark of your choice. To view all of your feed subscription options, look for the 'Subscribe Now!' box on the right side. - iGoogle
Click the white '+ Google' icon on the top right, and you can receive the latest Inside AdSense updates on your iGoogle page or within Google Reader.
- Labels
Each post is tagged at the bottom with one or more labels that reflect the content of that post. All of these labels are also listed on our sidebar, which you can use to sort through past posts - for instance, click the 'Optimization' label to view all the posts related to optimizing AdSense on your site. You'll notice that this post is tagged with 'Newbie', since that's been our focus on recent Fridays. - "You may have missed..."
This name says it all - check the right sidebar for this section, where we'll be rotating links to useful posts from past months. - Search box
You can search for the topic of your choice using the search box at the top right. Using the tabs on the results page, you can choose whether to search within the AdSense blog or other resources such as our Help Center, the AdSense Forum, and the web.
Today, we're happy to announce the release of the beta version of a new open-source browser: Google Chrome. We encourage you to download it and give it a try.
Google Chrome features a simple and intuitive user interface and an entirely new architecture designed for speed, security, and stability. You can find out more about other Google Chrome features here.
For publishers, you should see the ads on your pages continue to appear as normal in Google Chrome; we built Google Chrome so that most webmasters and site owners shouldn't have to make changes to their sites. If your site is compatible with Safari, it should also be compatible with Google Chrome, as they are both built using WebKit. If you have any questions regarding compatibility with your site, feel free to refer to our webmaster site.
To learn more about why we built Google Chrome, see our official Google blog.
Whether it's your high school yearbook, the ticket stub from a movie you saw with your first sweetheart, or the lock of hair from your child's first trim, we all have mementos that we like to keep around. However, we hope that your AdSense check isn't one of them!
As a friendly reminder, AdSense checks expire after 6 months, so once you get your check in the mail please don't forget to deposit it.
If you're holding onto to a check and it expires, your account will be placed on hold and you'll need to re-select a form of payment to resume payments the next time you've crossed the US $100 threshold. For many of you, you may consider trying EFT, Western Union, or local currency checks if they're available in your country. If you don't yet see your preferred payment option for your country yet, please know we're working hard to add additional forms of payment in the future.
So no lolly-gagging! Once you've got your payments, it's off to the bank with you to count all your ad-dollars and ad-cents!
Whether it's your high school yearbook, the ticket stub from a movie you saw with your first sweetheart, or the lock of hair from your child's first trim, we all have mementos that we like to keep around. However, we hope that your AdSense check isn't one of them!
As a friendly reminder, AdSense checks expire after 6 months, so once you get your check in the mail please don't forget to deposit it.
If you're holding onto to a check and it expires, your account will be placed on hold and you'll need to re-select a form of payment to resume payments the next time you've crossed the US $100 threshold. For many of you, you may consider trying EFT, Western Union, or local currency checks if they're available in your country. If you don't yet see your preferred payment option for your country yet, please know we're working hard to add additional forms of payment in the future.
So no lolly-gagging! Once you've got your payments, it's off to the bank with you to count all your ad-dollars and ad-cents!
Is it even possible to see any legitimate trends in your Adsense reports? I was just thinking about this after reading another blog entry about Adsense fluctuations. That article pointed out the huge differences us publishers see on a DAILY basis!
I mean, if you just start out and make a few cents a day, you’ll see an upward trend if you add 100 more good sites. And if you get banned from Google, well, you’ll sure see an abrupt downward trend! But for the most part, it seems like Google gives us random figures!
I’m not exactly complaining about Adsense, but doesn’t it just make you wonder?
We think it's important for all publishers, both new and veteran, to understand the role they play in our ad network ecosystem. While AdSense is designed for publishers to monetize their websites with Google ads, it's also designed to extend the reach for our AdWords advertisers, providing them with ad real estate whose value is close to that on Google Search results.
If your website performs well for advertisers, there may be increased competition among them to fill your ad spaces. This means we'd have a wider variety of possible ads to display, so the ads you see on your site may be more relevant to your site content and your users' interests. This may lead to more clicks from your users, more placement-targeted campaigns geared towards your site, and increased advertiser bids. Overall, you're likely to earn more revenue with your site if advertisers are generating conversions and receiving quality leads from your site.
On the other hand, if your website performs poorly for advertisers, they may be less inclined to display on your site. This means that the ads our system displays on your site may not be as relevant to your site content and your users' interests, leading to fewer clicks and decreased advertiser bids. As a result, you're likely to earn less revenue with your site if advertisers are performing poorly.
To maximize the value for advertisers displaying on your site, we recommend focusing on developing a high-quality site with original content that's valuable to your users. For more information, please consult our program policies and Webmaster Quality Guidelines for reference.
The latest news from Google Adsense is that you should NOT be aggressively blending your ads.
They give you a couple examples, and it goes without saying that some Adsense placements I’ve shown you before fall under these restrictions!
But as long as you aren’t using these tactics, you should be fine.
[Via WhyDoWork]
P.S. Make sure your Privacy Policy is updated, too.
I totally forgot to mention this crap that if you run Adsense, you have to add a long Privacy Policy to your site or else you’ll be breaking Google’s TOS. Instead of complying with these new terms, I decided to remove Adsense from quite a few of my sites…
But if you want to keep Adsense and be in compliance, here are a few good links:…adsense/…use/
Ad Backgrounds - A Sketchy Way To Increase Adsense CTR
Posted by Handi Line | 9:23 AM | Adsense | 0 comments »“Do you still think it’s possible to make living on Adsense?”
“It sure is!” says Jay Young, who put together a package of adsense background images, aptly named Adsense Backgrounds. They are claimed to be a “click thru booster,” and they quite possibly could be.
Yeah, they could be, but why is this such a big deal? I’ve seen this technique used before, and it is pretty sweet, but it’s not a miracle. I’ll go as far as to say I like the idea. But I don’t care for the idea of selling a huge package of these images like you see at
Why not?
Because once people have them, they will become extremely annoying. You will start seeing the same images on all sorts of sites. So for any publishers who have been doing this for a while, they will get screwed. All so this Jay Young guy can make some money.
The concept is great, but not this execution. People will soon become immune to these images just like they became immune to banner ads.
Remember, give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. (In other words, don’t give out the background images, just share the concept behind them.)
Now I’m not necessarily saying not to buy them, I’m just saying it’s not the greatest way to spend $67. You’re probably better off doing what I plan to do…
And that is, just wait for these to get real popular, then make my own ad backgrounds that are different than the ones out there (from this package) used by hundreds of sites.
P.S. Did anyone catch the poor grammar in that first line I quoted?
These days, since Adsense no longer allows images beside ads, you have to innovate and put the images behind the ads! (I mentioned this before, but this is the real deal.)
Better do it now though, because you never know when Adsense will change their terms.
If you’re looking for free Adsense backgrounds, there is only one place to go - AdClustr. I almost hesitate to mention the site, just because I’d rather keep their advice all to myself!
I think AdClustr is the perfect example of Web 2.0 + Useful Information. One of the first times I’ve seen the two combined. The best part is obviously the free Adsense backgrounds. They give you the image, the XHTML and CSS code for your site, and the Adsense color scheme!
Want some examples? Try these:
Pretty nice, huh?
They even have some great posts, too, like Adsense placement reviews. My favorites were Ad Integration by and Ad Integration by And of course, Why Pay for Adsense Backgrounds?
Normally I wouldn’t give such a glowing review even if I got paid for it, but I just love this site! Take a look, you won’t regret it.
I found a blog entry from earlier this summer full of Adsense tips from someone who supposedly did very well with Adsense. The blog author apparently just stumbled into this mystery man who was very successful with Adsense and decided to share his tips. It could have been a “guru” or some random guy on the street, but he didn’t want his identity revealed.
However, he shared plenty of tips, so let’s dissect this article to see if he knows his stuff…
Adsense outperforms affiliate programs
The first thing we learn is that this dude sucks at promoting affiliate programs. If Adsense outperforms affiliate programs, sorry, but that’s pathetic. I guess it could depend on the site, but if you actually promote the affiliate program instead of using crappy banner ads, affiliate programs should outperform Adsense by far.
Ad placement
This sounds good. Put some rectangles in your content so the text wraps around it, yep, I do that a lot myself. Limit your ads, yep, you don’t want to display the cheap ads.
Ad design
Match the colors to your site, yep, pretty good here as well.
Alternating colors, yep, very good tip to prevent ad blindness.
Targeting ads
Mention the product on the page, yeah, basic stuff. How else are you going to target the ads?
However, I’ve never noticed improvements by using Google’s “ad section” crap.
Long-term strategy
This is definitely flawed…
If every page you make raises just $.04 per day from the time the page ranks and you put up 5 pages per day you’ll raise your income $.20 per day. With 365 days in a year you’ll make $73.00 more per day!
If a page makes 4 cents a day and you add 5 pages, you still make 4 cents. You won’t get 20 cents unless you bring in more traffic. That 4 cent click you got also meant that the visitor left your site…
Gotta disagree again here. Several “not much” sites will cause you to be overworked and annoyed and not get anywhere long term. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
You’re probably better off with a flagship site and defensible traffic.
Build a good site and don’t get too concerned about updates.
For example, how many big sites get wiped out all at once from some little update? I can’t think of any…
Squidoo got a spam penalty from Google recently. Whoopity doo, their Alexa rank is still under 500. I think they’re doing fine, maybe even better (since they’re cracking down on spammers.)
When Google puts more work into banning link exchanges, what will happen to all your puny sites that only got indexed thanks to link exchanges?
Don’t work with partners.
It’s true that working with partners can lead to disputes and trouble, but how many big businesses have only one person? Johnny Cupcakes is big and run mostly by John, but he still has help keeping things operating smoothly.
Link building
Get one way links. Really? That’s priceless advice. How do you suggest new little sites get lots of one-way links?
Maybe that can be the subject of your next article??
“Make a good helpful site: don’t pull tricks and you’ll get there.”
OK, that’s a good way for him to sum things up.
Overall the article is worth a read, especially if you’re new to Adsense. Even if you know your stuff, you might get an idea from it, but don’t expect much. Just don’t take this guy’s advice when it comes to affiliate marketing!
Starting a Forum - Tips From Forum Expert Lee Dodd
Posted by Handi Line | 9:12 AM | Tips Forum | 0 comments »I was just going through folders of crap on my hard drive and came across a radio show featuring Lee Dodd. If you’ve never heard of him, he’s like the uber-guru when it comes to forums. I think the show was from or, and it’s from March 2006, but the advice is still applicable.
Believe it or not, this show actually gave me a few tips, and I’ll admit, it was worth my time! So I’m going to share some tips from this expert along with my advice when it comes to online forums (or discussion boards.)
Let’s dive right in to the forum building process…
Pick a Topic
Start by making a list of topics, preferably ones you’re passionate about. (In other words, a topic you could research and discuss every single day and not get bored.)
Then you need to check competition and analyze the topics (or niches.)
You can do this by opening three browsers (google, msn, yahoo) and searching for “yourtopic forums” where yourtopic is actually your chosen topic. That should give you a good list of competitors for each topic. You’ll want to join each forum, check it out, and see if you can come up with some better ideas. The goal is to come up with a way to differentiate your forum, whether it will be more specific or include member photo galleries or whatever.
Next, pick the forum software you want to use. Lee likes vBulletin (VB) because it is the most stable and you can buy an owned license for $160. (If you want a free solution, I’d say that Simple Machines Forum (SMF) is the best choice.)
Web Hosting
Then find a good host. A shared hosting plan will work if you’re just starting out, and you could move to a dedicated server later. For more advice, Lee recommends
Domain Name
Every site requires a domain name, so pick that next. But take your time, because it’s a VERY important choice. You want to choose a natural domain, the shorter the better. It’s good to have “forum” or “board” in your domain name. No dashes though. Or you could choose a brandable domain name, sort of like the trendy new Web 2.0 names (Flickr, Bebo, etc.)
Website Design
Almost forgot, the website itself… You need to design the site, which is also a very important step. It needs to capture the attention of the user, and it’s best to get a completely custom theme.
Get Moderators
Once the site is up, moderators are very important. Moderators help watch for spam and angry members, both of which can cause serious problems if not taken care of quickly. There is no magic number that you need; it depends on the size of the forum and how much moderation is needed. The rule of thumb is to get 3-5 moderators on board in the beginning, which will help get the ball rolling.
Each moderator can handle about 100-200 posts per day, so a forum with 1500 posts per day requires 10-15 volunteer moderators. When choosing moderators, get people who love the topic and love your community. They are volunteers, but they get some recognition as a big part of the community.
Get Visitors and Members
Now that you are ready, you need some people to come and participate!
For that, it’s all about the content. You simply have to have the best information. To get people coming back, never have an empty forum. The “zero posts” will drive people away instantly.
One common cause of “zero posts” is having too many sub-forums on your forum. Start with 6-8 sub-forums and make sure each one has posts. You can increase that number as membership and activity increases.
You want people to post, and there are a few ways to accomplish that. One is to hire paid forum posters, although that is pricey if you want quality posters. Watch out for people who don’t speak English! Another idea is to offer incentives, such as contests for posting quality topics and Adsense revenue sharing.
Here are some ideas to get traffic:
- Use digg, social bookmarking, and free press releases to get the word out.
- Post on other forums and use your sig link to display your forum’s URL.
- Advertise on similar sites that don’t yet have a forum.
- Do basic link building, directory submissions, etc.
- Use mod-rewrite to get Search Engine friendly URLs (for better organic traffic.)
Tip: When using your sig link at other forums, be sure to use descriptive anchor text to entice people to click. (Also note that some forums frown on posting links to competing forums!)
Monetizing a Forum
Now let’s make money!!
No matter what ads you’re using, TEST, TEST, TEST! How else could you compare which ads work best?
Here are some options for display ads that make you money:
- CPC ads like Adsense and YPN.
- CPM ads like BurstMedia, Tribal Fusion, Casale, and FastClick.
- CPA ads like CJ, Linkshare, and Lee’s personal favorite, Azoogle.
- Private advertisers.
- Forum sponsorships.
- Use the forum’s archive pages and put ads on them, too.
- Sell links (try TLA.)
- Donations from members.
- Have ads in your newsletters.
Note: The newsletter is a MUST, since community is all about communication. Keep users updated on the site, and make them feel like part of the community.
How Much Money?
So how much money can you make running a forum?
For a young forum, if you do hard work for 6 months: Expect 1000-2000 visits daily for $20-60 daily income.
For a year of continued growth: Expect 3000-5000 visits daily for $2000-5000 per month.
Make sure you researched profit potential of your niche, though, or you could be in for an unpleasant surprise!
Now let’s go back to forum sponsorships for a bit, because Lee had some extra advice for that. You might be thinking “why would a company sponsor one of my forums?” so Lee has an example…
Take… Maybe a company sells ringtones, and that would be a great thing to advertise on such a forum, especially for a “Ringtones” sub-topic. Underneath the specific forum’s link would be a text link like “Thanks to X Website for sponsoring this forum” (where X Website is the sponsor’s website.)
There you go, now you should be building forums like a champ! I’m sure Lee Dodd has plenty of secrets still up his sleeve, and you probably won’t realize how hard it is to create a forum until you try, but hell, go for it anyway!
Final thoughts on Forums:
If you’re looking to build a successful forum, you better have some time to do it, be very hands-on, be part of the face of the community, be ‘out there’ posting many times per day, be visible, and expect to work hard and put in the time.
Want to learn more? Take a look at Lee’s blog along with one of his newer forums,
Free Affiliate Website - Is The Rich Jerk Being Nice?
Posted by Handi Line | 9:10 AM | Affiliate | 0 comments »The Rich Jerk. Interesting name, huh? This multi-millionaire has decided to put his secrets into an ebook (big surprise there…) and sell it to the millions of people looking to make easy money online. A pretty common strategy, but this guy stands out a bit. Not because of the photos of his lavish lifestyle, but because he’s a jerk. He has better things to do than help you out, and he makes that clear in his sales letter!
But I happened across his site the other day and guess what - he’s offering to give you a free website if you signup for his mailing list! Supposedly the free website is built using his secret strategies - that’s awfully nice of him, isn’t it?
So what’s the real deal? Do you actually get a custom site worth $300 with no catch?
Yeah right!
No self-respecting internet guru would give away something like that without a catch!
You can get a free site, yes, but it sure doesn’t look custom. Unless by custom they mean it is only 99% the same as the others, then I guess it could be considered custom. But here’s the real catch - you only get the site after signing up with their hosting partner. I didn’t bother looking at the hosting plan, but I doubt it’s anything special.
So by giving away the website which costs very little to make, he can make quite a bit of cash with commissions on the hosting! Not a bad idea! (Since the commissions are probably $100+ each.)
Not only did this experience give me some material to rant about, it taught me a good lesson in marketing!
The Real Secrets Behind The Gurus’ Adsense Earnings That They Don’t Want You To Know!
Posted by Handi Line | 9:06 AM | Adsense | 0 comments »For each and every “how to make money with Adsense” ebook, there is some exorbitant earnings claim. Something like “I went from pennies a day to $500 a day with Adsense.” There has to be a claim like that, because not even a gullible newbie would buy Skyrocket Your Adsense Earnings From $0.03 to $0.05 In Just Six Months!
But what kind of techniques are these “gurus” teaching you?
Are they telling you to blend your Adsense ads?
Google recommends that you make the ads look nice and fit in with your color scheme, but they explicitly state that you cannot make the ads look like the site’s navigation. You also cannot label them anything other than “Sponsors” or “Advertisements.”
So I’m going to reveal the mystery guru behind that site I talked about…
It’s none other than Joel Comm, the Adsense guru himself. And the site is DealofDay.
It seems that the author of What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense could also write What Google Never Told You About Enforcement of Adsense Policies. I guess either title makes sense, but I’ve never read the book, so I can’t say for sure.
But none of that matters, because today I’ll reveal the techniques used by this guru in real life. (Which might be the secrets that Google never told you… and chances are, Joel Comm never gave out these secrets either…)
Site 1: World Village
Text-Link-Ads Back On Top of Google - What Gives?
Posted by Handi Line | 9:03 AM | Text-Link-Ads | 0 comments »Last year, I wrote a piece about how Text Link Ads had basically disappeared in Google SERPs, and how TNX popped up to try to capture some of the link buying/selling activity.
That post has been getting quite a few comments along the lines of:
you’re an idiot, I can clearly see that Text Link Ads is first in the Google SERPs when searching for text link ads.
And if I had just posted that article yesterday, these scallywags would be correct. But I posted that back in 2007, well over six months ago. And a lot can happen in that amount of time.
So today I’d like to tell you a little story…
Many years ago, a new service emerged called Text Link Ads. It was setup to allow you to buy or sell links on websites, with a premise similar to most ad networks - you put your links out there and people click them. Pretty typical.
For years TLA was a popular service and managed to earn a PR6 from Google.
But then, on one fateful day, there was a big shakeup!
With Google’s ranking algorithm being based largely on backlinks and anchor text, people could “exploit” their PageRank system by buying backlinks (instead of gaining them “naturally.”) Google didn’t like that one bit, so they huffed and puffed and blew TLA deep into the dark depths of their SERPs (back to page 5 or 6, where no searchers bother to go.)
The next year was like an ice age for link sales. With the big woolly mammoth size TLA out of sight, a herd of new text link marketplaces (like TNX) popped up and ran free over the arid landscape.
But alas, they all succumbed to the great ruler that is Google. The new services were dead before they began.
Text Link Ads, on the other hand, were hard at work, despite their lackluster SERPs. They kept bringing in more advertisers and publishers, and they also expanded their services to various types of link sales, including feedvertising. (Feedvertising is the act of placing ads in an RSS feed.)
Feedvertising would not manipulate PageRank, so apparently TLA was trying to run an advertising business, not a company bent solely on exploiting Google.
So Google did something surprisingly heart-warming - they lifted the ranking penalty!
Yes, is now back in Google for phrases such as “text link ads” and “text links.”
And everyone lived happily ever after!
(Except for the companies like TNX, who crashed and burned. Oh well. It’s hard enough to get on Google’s good side when you have a legitimate website.)
The Story, Part 2
As I was writing this story, Google did something that did not surprise me at all… they must have penalized TLA once again, because now they’re not in the rankings. Google is toying with them!
They just jerk us around with their infrequent toolbar PR updates, hidden link selling penalties, and constantly changing rankings!
Text-Link-Ads Dropped Out of Google: What Happens Now?
Posted by Handi Line | 8:55 AM | Text-Link-Ads | 0 comments »
So by now everyone must know that Text-Link-Ads (TLA) has all but disappeared from Google. Does that mean that text link selling services should quit and give up, or does it mean that there is an open spot for market leader? is hoping for the latter!
This new text link marketplace seemed to appear out of thin air but now boasts a link inventory of over 30 million! That’s pretty serious, especially when you think about the 10,000 or so odd links being added each hour.
I couldn’t help but sign-up after reading this detailed review plus a tip from Blogstorm.
This is the point that stood out:
The great thing about buying links at the moment is PR hasn’t updated for months so links are really cheap. You can log into TNX and buy up thousands of links on PR0 pages that have lots of Yahoo backlinks for ultra low prices.
Plus, link inventory is hidden for security, the points system makes buying links pretty cheap, and they’re nice enough to give out a bunch of free bonuses.
Did I mention their system tries to set-up your campaign legitimately so it doesn’t look like link spam? That’s pretty sweet, and shows how smart the people behind TNX are. (Granted you can still screw things up if you’re stupid, but they try to help out.)
They really make link buying awesome. The more I buy, the more I like it.
I figured I’d test the ‘link selling’ part too. (That’s on one of my smaller sites, not here, of course.) It’s pretty simple to add the code to your page, but it’s still over 100 lines of PHP code… I’m worried there’s some sort of “footprint” in there making it easy to spot. I’ll get back to you on that part after some testing.
[*Update* I'm pretty sure TNX does leave a footprint that makes it obvious you are selling links.]
But overall it looks good on both sides. I could see myself using this a little bit and possibly recommending it.
Get your links (and sell your links) at
Bonus hint: Remember the tip about getting good links from PR0 sites with lots of backlinks? Well, those are the only sites I bought links from. Don’t fall in the trap of “well I’m not sure about PR0, so I’ll get the PR1 links.” The PR1 sites probably aren’t that great, I mean, they only got a 1. But the PR0 pages could be on their way to a PR5 once the PR update finally hits.
And like I said, get your links (and sell your links) at At the very least, it’s cheaper than Text Link Ads.